My Story
hello and welcome, I am Adam a Reiki Master Teacher and Breath4Life™ breath work practitioner and founder of EnergyMatters . I am passionate sharing my knowledge tools and experience that I have found to make every day life easier and more joyful. First I would like to share a little part of my story.
After caring for my disabled dad for a couple of years I watched him pass away, at the time I was ready for that, however I did not prepare for what happened after that. The hurt, pain, anger, depression, sadness the list goes on yet I had no idea how to deal with it. I didn't want to sit and talk to someone about my problems it was hard enough to think about them let alone speak about them to someone. To be real i was in a bad place, it was noticeable around the important dates birthday fathers day etc I became miserable, angry and depressed. I was left thinking "something has got to change I can't go on like this any more". A very good friend of mine was in the process of his Practitioner training and recommended I try Breath4Life™ Breath work where I met Acorn to Oak The International School of Energy Medicine and their amazing team and that was when my life started to change. It was all new and strange all this energy stuff it was like the brain could understand energy you learn at school about friction and all the science of gravity but how does it effect the body and emotions. In that one morning my life changed for the better and forever it is hard to describe the just how great the difference was before and after, I was on cloud nine. I started to use Breath4Life™ Breath work regularly, the more work I did on myself and the more I learnt the more I realised how important emotional health is. It had such a profound change on my life i i started my training and EnergyMatters was born.
When you take action things will change, breathwork is an action therapy and one of the most effective at dealing with emotions.